Support for Redland women escaping domestic violence

Support for Redland women escaping domestic violence

From 19 October the Liberal and Nationals Federal Government will provide a new level of support for women in the Redlands leaving violent relationships.

LNP Candidate for Bowman, Henry Pike, said local women will now have access to a one-off payment of up to $5,000 to help them establish a life free of violence.

Mr Pike said the payments would help address the financial barriers that may stop women leaving violent relationships.

“The new Escaping Violence Payment aims to give women more security to leave any form of partner violence – including physical violence, coercive control and financial abuse,” Mr Pike said.

“This is a scourge that afflicts our community as much as any other, women from all backgrounds can and do experience domestic violence,” Mr Pike said.

Cleveland Magistrates Court has seen a worrying 2.7% increase in the number of DVO applications this financial year and a 56.2% increase in offences relating to contraventions of DVOs.

Under the two-year Escaping Violence Payment trial women will receive financial assistance of up to $1,500 in cash with the remainder available for goods and services or direct payments of bonds, school fees or other support to help establish a safe home.

UnitingCare Australia has been selected as the service provider to deliver the payments and will also support women to engage with other relevant services that support women and their children. This includes other Commonwealth or State Government funded community services.

The Escaping Violence Payment is not considered taxable or reportable income and will not impact on any other social security payments a recipient may be receiving. Eligibility includes financial stress and evidence of domestic violence including, but not limited to, a referral from a family and domestic violence service provider with a risk assessment and safety plan, an AVO, court order or a police report.

Women can apply for the payment through UnitingCare Network from 19 October 2021. More information will be available at the UnitingCare website.

If you or someone you know is impacted by sexual assault, domestic or family violence, call 1800RESPECT on 1800 737 732 or visit