Defend Australia Day

Defend Australia Day

In 2024, we saw the attempts to cancel Australia Day by stealth escalate the war on Australia Day to even greater levels than previously.

But, we stood firm.

And now, the tide is turning.

Woolworths has brought back Australia Day merch, the pubs and clubs that cancelled Australia Day Parties have apologised and councils have backflipped on their decision to cancel Australia Day Ceremonies.

Let's keep the pressure on.

Sign the petition below and join the campaign to end the date debate once and for all.

- Henry 

Australia Day is about about people, not politics. 

Politicians should not be able to change our national day on a whim, without public approval, that's why I need your support to defend Australia Day.

Australia Day marks a significant moment in history for our nation, and we need the same protections for Australia Day as our national flag and ANZAC Day.

I have introduced the Australia Day Bill 2023 to the Australian Parliament to prevent politicians changing the date from 26 January without first getting the public's approval through a plebiscite.

Currently, Anthony Albanese and the Labor Government will not bring the Bill before the Parliament. 

Your support is crucial.

Sign this petition to show your support for Australia Day and for the Australia Day 2023 bill. 

We need to tell Anthony Albanese and Labor that 26 January needs to be protected by legislation. 

Our national day belongs to all Australians and by working together we can defend #DefendAustraliaDay. 

50,000 signatures

Will you sign?

26 January is Australia Day and should not changed be without approval by the Australian people via a plebiscite.

We urge the Government and call on all federal Members of Parliament to recognise the importance of Australia Day and support the Australia Day Bill 2023.

We call on all Australians to come together and celebrate our shared history, culture and achievements on January 26th.

Henry Pike MP
Member for Bowman