Federal funding to help advance Redlands’ Indigenous heritage

Federal funding to help advance Redlands’ Indigenous heritage

The Liberal National Party’s Candidate for Bowman, Henry Pike, has announced that the Minjerribah Moorgumpin Elders-In-Council Aboriginal Corporation (MMEIC) will be the beneficiary of a grant through the Federal Government’s Indigenous education & wellbeing program.

MMEIC will receive $125,000 for their Moving Forward Together project.

“The Liberal and Nationals Government is investing to extend support for Indigenous programs in the Redlands as part of the Indigenous Advancement Strategy,” Mr Pike said.

“Practical initiatives run by MMEIC help enshrine our indigenous heritage and provide the broader community with a better understanding of local traditions and meanings.”

The funding will help MMEIC deliver cultural education programs, including the further development of MMEIC’s Language Dictionary.

MMEIC’s Embedding Aboriginal Culture into School Program will also benefit from this additional Federal Government support.

The Moving Forward Together project will allow the organisation to explore options to develop a suite of Cultural Short Films promoting the recognition and protection of Cultural Heritage on North Stradbroke Island.

“The Redlands is blessed to have a rich indigenous heritage, which isn’t just ancient history – it’s also about a dynamic present and exciting future,” Mr Pike said.

“The Liberal and Nationals Government is committed to funding initiatives that help realise better outcomes for Indigenous Australians.”