New motorcycle-friendly guardrails will be installed on sections of Mount Cotton Road, thanks to a $2.25 million funding commitment from the Federal Liberal and Nationals Government.
LNP Candidate for Bowman, Henry Pike, said the funding was a big win for locals and will help improve safety across one of the Redlands most dangerous sections of road.
The Federal Government’s investment in the project has been matched by the State Government, which has responsibility for the road.
“The new guard rails will stop errant vehicle crashing into hazards along the road reserve that cannot be removed or down the many steep embankments along Mount Cotton Road,” Mr Pike said.
“This is a great example of the sort of outcomes that can be achieved when all levels of government work together to get good local solutions.”
“These improvements will start rolling out in coming weeks and are expected to be completed by mid-2022, meaning the community will quickly start reaping the benefits.”
“Currently around 1,200 people die and 40,000 are seriously injured on our roads each year, which is why the Federal Government is taking strong action by delivering record investment in road safety across the nation.”
At the end of 2021, Mr Pike took Federal Assistant Minister for Road Safety and Freight Transport Scott Buchholz MP along Mount Cotton Road to advocate for new safety projects.
There are currently 18,500 daily car movements along Mount Cotton Road, with a 12% increase in traffic expected over the next decade.
The Federal Government has already invested $1.5 billion under the Road Safety Program in more than 1,050 road safety projects across Australia, most of which are complete and benefiting communities.